The first author listed for each abstract is responsible for ensuring that all listed authors agree to be authors, approve the abstract content and accept the 18-ICML submission policies and regulations.
As authors, they agree and/or attest to the following:
1. Acceptance of the abstract submission policy and regulations, and in particular:
- release of the permission to include the abstract, if selected, in the 18-ICML Abstract Book, published in the Wiley Online Library by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. as a supplement to “Hematological Oncology”;
- release of the permission to live-stream, record for multimedia coverage and include their presentation in the 18-ICML on-demand resources;
- no prior publication of the same abstract, except Encore abstracts (see the relevant paragraph), and no inclusion of the abstract in the scientific material provided during the 18-ICML satellite symposia;
- commitment to the in-person presentation of the abstract, if accepted for oral or poster presentation, ensuring that at least one author meets the presenting authors’ eligibility criteria (see the relevant page).
2. Accuracy of the submitted information, and in particular:
a. Disclosure of any potential sources of conflict of interest directly relevant or directly related to the work that the authors describe in the abstract (see the relevant page).
b. Disclosure of research funding
c. Disclosure of status of Encore Abstract (see the relevant page).
d. Ongoing trials abstract eligibility, i.e.:
- patient enrolment already started;
- patient enrolment still open;
- no result or preliminary data provided (only Introductions and Methods).
3. Declaration of Ethical Compliance:
The authors acknowledge that the research described in the abstract complies with ethical guidelines and standards and that any required approvals (e.g., institutional review board or ethics committee) have been obtained.