Abstract Submission


The 18-ICML abstract submission will open on 2 December 2024 and close on 15 March  2025 (17:59 Central European Time).


Abstracts can be related to all aspects of the biology and treatment of lymphoid neoplasms, including CLL and multiple myeloma.

With the exception of Encore Abstracts (please see the relevant paragraph), abstracts must present original scientific material unpublished at the time of the abstract submission deadline and should not be published before the 18-ICML. Updated analyses must substantially differ from previous publications, adding novel information worthy of being presented.

The submission of an abstract does not constitute registration to the 18-ICML.
Presenters of abstracts selected for oral and poster presentation must register to attend the meeting.
In-person participation is required. The early registration fee will be applied to the authors of the abstracts selected for oral and poster presentation, but no reimbursement for travel and/or hotel expenses will be provided.

Encore abstracts

Encore abstracts (EA) are accepted only if already submitted to and/or presented at:

  • regional or national meetings (up to < 1000 attendees);
  • EBMT, AACR, ASCO and EHA, the major international meetings organised in the same period as the 18-ICML (March – July) by the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the European Hematology Association (EHA).

Encore abstracts (EA) will include the sentence “EA - previously submitted to EBMT / AACR / ASCO / EHA 2025”.

Ongoing trials abstracts

Abstracts describing trials in progress can be submitted, provided that  patient enrollment has already started at the time of submission.
No results or preliminary data must be included.
Only the scientific and clinical rationale of the trial will be evaluated.

The Ongoing trial abstracts must include only the Introduction and Methods sections.

The Ongoing Trial abstract check-box must be ticked at the time of submission.

The presentation format will be decided by the Organising Committee on the basis of the evaluation results and on the structure of the Scientific Programme.

Travel grants and merit award

Based on funding availability, a limited number of travel grants, sponsored by the Swiss Cancer League and possibly by other contributors, will be awarded to young investigators (under 35 years old), whose abstract has been accepted for an oral or poster presentation. The selection will be made on the basis of the abstract evaluation results.

Eligible presenters can apply for a travel grant to cover the travel expenses to the 18-ICML, only at the time of abstract submission (by ticking the travel grant check-box).

Based on funding availability, a “merit award” will be given to the young investigator author of the highest-scoring abstract and selected for a travel grant. The recipient will receive complimentary registration, monetary support to attend the 18-ICML and this scientific merit will be recognised in the Programme Book.


Late-breaking abstracts (LBA)

Deadline: Monday, 27 May, 17:59 CEST

Late-breaking abstracts may be submitted only for studies that will have conclusive data available after the regular abstract submission deadline.

A cover letter, indicating the data expected to be available by the late-breaking abstract deadline, must be sent to abstract@icml.ch by the regular abstract deadline (15 March 2025, 17:59 CET).
No Late-breaking abstract will be considered without the submission of a cover letter.

A member of the ICML Organising Committee will contact the presenter to discuss the study in detail, as well as the new research findings and implications for the understanding of disease processes or clinical practice.

Only abstracts covering very high-quality research findings will be accepted and possibly included in the Late-breaking abstract session.
Late-breaking abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be rejected.

Abstract submission key dates and deadlines

Opening of the abstract submission

2 December 2024

Deadline for submission of regular abstract and Late-breaking abstract cover

March 15 2025 (17:59 CET)

Notification of outcome to first authors

by end of April 2025 (exact date announced on 2 December 2024)

Deadline for submission of Late-breaking abstracts

27 May 2025 (17:59 CEST)

Notification of outcome to Late-breaking abstracts first authors

by 30 May 2025

Online publication of 18-ICML Abstract Book (end of embargo on data included in accepted abstracts, except for Encore Abstracts)

15 June 2025 (23:59 CEST)